October was fun. Filled with a few good books and a few good shows, mostly it was filled with a lot of good project work, and a lot of fun writing.
Writing and Projects
I’ve got Champion Bold to Word, which means I’m prepping it to get a printed proof. This sounds easy, but this is where I’ve made some errors in the past, so I’m being careful and thorough. Progress is progress, but progress also involves a lot of tempermental programs. So, slow and steady, and checking my work.
The supplement books are coming along nicely. They’re not quite at the printed proof stage, but they should be soon. I just need to finish some articles and assemble some artwork.
I’ve been working on other projects, planning and preparing. Particularly, I’ve been revising my plan for Sasha 3, hoping to get that to proofing during 2025.
November Goals
- Use NANOWRIMO to re-write Book 3
- Get Champion Bold to proofing stage
- Finish Supplement Books
- Knock 10 things off Writing Project to-do list

- Under One Roof (Burton House Saga Book Six; Fiction; Finished)
- Fool Moon (Dresden Files, Book 2, Audiobook, Fiction, Started)
- Running with the Demon (eBook; Fiction; Started)
I read through Under One Roof, Book 6 of the Burton House Saga. This books takes the reader to colonial Australia, which involves reading through how the penal colony works for both men and women, and how the colonists interacted with the aboriginal inhabitants. As for the characters the story followers, their stories involve a lot of overcoming personal adversity, and trying to be the best leaders they can be for those who are dependant upon them.
I’m almost done with Running with the Demon. This book I came to by accident. I’ve been wanting to re-read the Shannara series, some of which I read back in middle school. I picked up a humble bundle, and this was the first book. It’s not bad, but it took a long time to pick up. If I stick with the chronology, I have six more books to get through before I get to a book I’ve already red. I may skip ahead. I haven’t decided yet.
November Goals
- Finish two fiction books
- Finish one non-fiction book
- Finish on research book
TV Shows and Movies

- The Acolyte
- Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5
Did not watch a lot of new things this month. I did watch through The Acolyte, the Star Wars show. I really liked this show. For half of it, I was thinking it was going to do A and B, and then it went wonky and gave me Q and T. And I liked it! But it’s been cancelled, so no more of that for me. I’m kind of miffed about it, but I can’t get into reasons because of spoilers.
Started Lower Decks season 5. The last season, by all accounts. It’s been a fun show, and I’m excited to see how it ends.
November Goals
- Start one new TV show
- Finish one in-progress TV show
- Watch one Best Picture Winner (3 remaining)
- Watch one Fix-it Movie or Show (10 remaining)
- Watch one other movie
- Deathmatch Island one Shot
- Assassins Creed Odessey
I got to participate in a short campaign of Deatmatch Island, an RPG that harkens back to Hunger Games and other similar deadly competition games. Your character is completely randomized, and the encounters are difficult but not game-ending if you get them wrong. It was fun, though it’s not a long-term game.
November Goals
- Advance Assassins Creed Odessey
- Advance Red Dead Redemption 2
- Advance 40K Armageddon
- Work out test game RPG one-shot ideas