February was filled with proofing the novel and filling out the supplements, and relaxing where I could with shows and movies.
For starters, I’ve got all five proof copies ordered and on their way: the hardcover and paperback editions for Champion Bold, and the three paperback supplements: Catalogue of Aliens, Encyclopedia Galactica, and Ship Recognition Guide.
When I wasn’t proofing and editing, I was working on other projects. Sasha’s Book 3, The Colonel Lieutenant, is the next big project, currently undergoing a major re-write. Other ones I want to focus on are the Champion Bold sequel, Champion Impact, and the fantasy novel, Orcfyre. Some minor projects I’m picking at are my American Civil War novelette series and some other science fiction and fantasy ideas I’m kicking around.
March Goals
- Approve the proofs for publishing
- Sasha Book 3: Finish Current Act Re-write
- Sasha Book 3: Big End-Battle 2nd Wargame
- Orcfyre: Act Re-distribution and outline
- Other: Knock 10 things off my to-do lists.
- Publish two blog posts.
- The Other Queen (Fiction)
- The Best School in the World: West Point 1833-1866 (Non-Fiction)
- Angel Fire East (eBook; Fiction)
- Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (Non-Fiction)

I actually managed to finish a pair of books this month, putting me only two books behind where I want to be right now. Not bad progress.
The first book was The Other Queen, the fifteen and last of Philippa Gregory’s historical fiction series. This one follows a period of time in Mary, Queen of Scott’s, life under incarceration, with her and her jailers as the characters. I’m working on the book report now, so I don’t want to say too much. Except that now with that done, I can do one of my other big reading projects.
I also finished The Best School in the World: West Point 1833-1866, a non-fiction book on West Point prior to and during the American Civil War. This one was research for several different projects of mine; I wanted to know what sort of curriculum West Point cadets went through, and how it differed from other contemporary European schools. I got a lot of good information from this book.
March Goals
- Finish two fiction title
- Finish one non-fiction title
- Finish one research titles
Movies and Shows

- Skeleton Crew
- Oppenheimer
- Shazam!
I made an effort to make time for movies and shows this month, and I knocked three titles off my list.
First, Oppenheimer, the biopic about the doctor who helped develop the a-bomb and then fell to post-war politics. I really likes this one, from the casting to the politics to the explanation of the physics. At no point did I feel like the movie was talking down to me, and that’s the least you can ask for when a movie is getting into atomic physics and red-scare politics.
Then there was Shazam, the superhero movie. I’ll be honest, the only reason I chose this one was because the sequel is on my fixit podcast and I want to see that before I listen to the podcast. But I actually really liked this one. It was funny, and exciting. Just adult enough to appreciate, without being too adult to not believe there are children involved. I’m glad I watched this one.
I also finished Star Wars: Skeleton Crew. I had a rough start to this one because I had to warm up to the children, but halfway through I came to appreciate them (and they had grown enough for me to like them). My final grade was going to depend on how the show wrapped up, and it ended really well. The kid’s space adventure gave them the skills and experience needed to win. Huzzah! Good show.
March Goals
- Finish one started show
- Start one new show
- Watch one Best Picture Winner
- Watch one other movie
- Baldur’s Gate 3
- Madden 2025
Nothing much to say on the gaming front. I’m enjoying Baldur’s Gate 3 when I have time to play it. Haven’t touched any of my other games in a long time. My RPG characters are all still alive. The game I run is still going strong.
March Goals
- Advance to next chapter of Baldur’s Gate 3
- Advance story of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
- Advance story of Red Dead Redemption 2
What’s Next
I have two events on the books.
First is the Literary Libations event on Saturday, March 22nd, at noon. I’ll be there with a number of other local authors, selling my books and trying not to buy more. I’ll also be doing a reading of some sort. See details here.
I also have a table at Minicon 58, April 18 – 20, 2025, at the Doubletree Hilton in Bloomington. I’ll be there all three days with a table. I applied to be on some panels; we’ll see what I get assigned. Details here.

That’s it for now.