Here you can find descriptions of my published works.
Renaissance Calling (Renaissance Army Series, Book 1)
My first published book, Renaissance Calling follows Sasha Small, a young woman who lives in a future where technology has failed and a Dark Age has ravaged the globe. Frustrated with her life, Sasha becomes part of a group that fights for a Renaissance. This is the first book in her story.
Renaissance Calling was funded through a successful Kickstarter campaign. The Ranks of the Renaissance Army Page is a thank you to those who pledged their support
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Templar Scholar (Renaissance Army series, Book 2)

Templar Scholar follows Sasha Small into the next chapter of her life. As a member of the Renaissance Army, Sasha is offered a chance to excel as part of the Templar Project, a special program to take capable youths and turn them into leaders of the movement. Sasha is challenged to become Templar Scholar, an officer of the Renaissance Army.