Tales of the Templars Voting Page

**SPOILER WARNING** – If you haven’t read Templar Scholar yet, some of the information on this page might spoil the story.

The Templar Badge

The Tales of the Templars is a collection of short stories that follow other cadets of the Templar Project. Some of the stories are set before Templar Scholar, others are set during. I intend to write these short stories alongside the main books, as a way to expand on the world of the Renaissance Army. By voting, you can help decide what stories will be included.

Titles of the stories may change between voting and publication.

Tales of the Templars: Book1

  • A Candle in the Dark (Templar Candle, Pre-Templar Story)
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD

Table of Contents

The Stories

Always the First Swift, pre-Templar Story

When the Renaissance Army liberated her town, she was the first to volunteer. She was the first to see combat and the first to make sergeant. Now there’s a competition for some special project, to be judged by a general. for the first time, coming in first truly matters.

Army of the True Queen – Cardinal and Rose, pre-Templar

The Durant sisters are free and bored. Hidden in the Verendrye forest, the pair have little to do, even as the Army of the True Queen builds itself around them. Yet even in the middle of nowhere, their families responsibilities come to drag them out of comfort.

Away to War – Rose, Templar Story

Templar Rose never wanted to be a Templar. She never wanted to be much of anything. Now, as General Prince’s aide de camp, she spends six weeks coming to grips with who she is, as an officer, as a person, and as a noblewoman in one of the greatest families of Quebec.

Awkward Return – Patch, Templar Story

Patch returns to the Workshop as a Templar, returning with a new understand of their work and how it influences the movement. But the time that changed her also changed her friends, and her happy homecoming isn’t so happy.

Battle of Hunter’s Forest – Candle/Roland, Templar Story

In the first major battle of the Renaissance Movement, two Templars push themselves to prove that their project, and the Templars it produces, are worth the effort.

Burned – Elector, Templar Story

Elector never believed that Walker would fall without harming innocents, but even he was surprised at the course of the battle. Working on the injured, Elector must deal with the anger of the civilians, and his own guilt for being a part of it.

Cardinal Down – Cardinal, Templar Story

Cardinal survived the magazine explosion without a scratch, but not without wounds. Driven from the Templar Project, Cardinal searches for meaning, for healing, and for her place in the world.

Flight of the Contessa – Mako, Pre-Templar Story

Gideon wants to believe in the Renaissance, but his fellow sailors make it difficult. His skin, his accent, his nature are different enough he doesn’t fit in. As doubts set in, a chance comes for him to prove to himself and his fellows that he belongs there.

Gilded Manor – Cardinal/Rose, Pre-Templar Story

Gilded Manor is a prison, a comfortable and isolated home for young women of prominent Quebecois families. Their imprisonment keeps those families in line. When a storm brings more than just rain, their keepers discover the island isn’t as isolated as they’d assumed.

Hero of the Day – Hero, Pre-Templar Story

His whole life has been one of survival; do what it takes to make it to tomorrow and worry about the consequences later. But the consequences keep coming, and things are getting out of hand.

One Quaker’s Choice – Penn, Pre-Templar Story

For a community of Quakers, the Renaissance Army warrants no more attention than the king or the republic that came before them. Yet their words draw the attention of many youths, and the community finds facing a crisis it cannot ignore.

Penn is Mightier – Penn, Templar Story

Penn lost his leg, but his mind is still sharp. Somewhere there is a place for him, and he won’t stop until he finds it.

Warrior Poet – Roland, Pre-Templar Story

He travelled a long way to join the Renaissance Army looking for glory, but all he’s found is duty. Boring, mind-numbing duty. Without a chance to prove himself, how can he shine?

Winter Renaissance – Blaze/Elector – Pre-Templar Story

Two young officers in the Renaissance Army take part in the first fights against the county yeomen. One struggles to be true to himself against his family’s history; the other fears being forgotten and ignored. As the RAM carves a place for itself, the two officers must do the same.

The Workshop – Patch, Pre-Templar Story

The Workshop is where the RAM collections its tinkerers and scientists. But the people there consider themselves civilians first, and the RAM must make military demands of them. Finding balance will be necessary for the movement to continue.


The tale of an author, and his blog.