I was so wrapped up in prepping my Kickstarter campaign I missed posting my April update. And with the campaign successfully wrapped up, I can get back to my normally scheduled posts.

The big project for the foreseeable future is Champion Bold. My editor is already working at the manuscript. I’m working on the supplemental books I offered as a reward, which is a lot of little articles and technical entries. It’ll be a lot of work.
Closing in on a good draft of The Colonel Lieutenant. While I’m glad to be moving on with this, I think I need some feedback before I can work out how to proceed.
I’ve done some minor work on other projects, but I’m trying to focus on Champion Bold until I get that done.
May Goals
- Get Champion Bold halfway edited.
- Get first draft of the supplement books done.
- Get Feedback on The Colonel Lieutenant
- Knock 10 things of Minor Project List
- Add 5K words to Fantasy Project

- The Last Tudor by Philippa Gregory
- The Olympian Affair by Jim Butcher
- Cordelia of the Island by Ashley Katharine Houghton
- The Buried Dagger by James Swallow (Started)
- The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (Audiobook)
- Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (Audiobook)
I’m well behind my goal of 36 books by the end of the year, but the ones I’m reading through are very good.
The Olympian Affair took a good while to get going, but the last half of the book really took off. Cordelia of the Island was written to an older style of storytelling, where the main story is interrupted by a collection of short stories that supplement the main line without being necessary for its conclusion.

I finished The Count of Monte Cristo, and I see why so many of my friends recommended it. The count’s story of revenge came to a satisfying conclusion, one that wasn’t what I — or the count — expected. When I wrapped that up I switched over to Don Quixote. I’ll be honest, while the story is interesting, the character is a jackass. I know it’s a satire work, but he annoys the ever-loving hell out of me.
May Goals
- Finish two fiction books
- Finish one non-fiction book
Movies and Shows

- Halo Season 2
- Witcher Season 3 (in progress)
- Shogun (in progress)
- Black Adam
- Birds of Prey
- The Expanse (in progress)
I sat down one night to have a double-header movie night. Black Adam was fun; though i don’t know anything about the character, I didn’t really care that the movie was long. I got into it. Birds of Prey was….bad. Which sucked, because I liked Harley Quinn as a character. But the movie had too many characters, the story was sloppy, and I just couldn’t care.

I started a few shows the last two months. I finally got into Witcher Season 3, which I’ve been wanted to get into for a while. I’m excited to finish it. But the big show I started was Shogun. Now, I read the books back in high school, so I only remember a few scenes here and there. But what I’ve seen so far has been fantastic. I’m hoping it holds up.
May Goals
- Finish this season of Expanse.
- Finish the Witcher Season 3
- Watch 1 Best Picture Winner
- Watch 1 Other Movie
- Red Dead Redemption 2 (In Progress)
- Frost Punk (Played Around)
- Rebel Galaxy (Played Around)
- Gears of War Tactics (In Progress)
I continue to go through a period of little to no video games. It’s not that I don’t have interest, but I spend most of my free time working on projects. I just don’t have time to sit down and play for long periods.
The RPG’s I’m apart of are moving along at a good clip. I’m having fun running Atonement, and my characters are still alive in the other games.

About the only big update in games is that I started a legacy board game — Trench Club Legacy — with some friends. If you don’t know what a legacy board game is, it’s a game where the players get to influence the rules and setting as they play. In this case, an alternate World War 1. We’ve got one out of up to ten games down. France started the first battle of the war, and Austria won it. We’ll see how it goes.
May Goals
- Finish Gears of War Tactics
- Get to next chapter of Red Dead Redemption 2
Coming Up
I don’t have any appearances scheduled anytime soon. My focus will be on getting Champion Bold and The Colonel Lieutenant up to speed.