Tag Archives: review

March 25 Update

February was filled with proofing the novel and filling out the supplements, and relaxing where I could with shows and movies.


For starters, I’ve got all five proof copies ordered and on their way: the hardcover and paperback editions for Champion Bold, and the three paperback supplements: Catalogue of Aliens, Encyclopedia Galactica, and Ship Recognition Guide.

When I wasn’t proofing and editing, I was working on other projects. Sasha’s Book 3, The Colonel Lieutenant, is the next big project, currently undergoing a major re-write. Other ones I want to focus on are the Champion Bold sequel, Champion Impact, and the fantasy novel, Orcfyre. Some minor projects I’m picking at are my American Civil War novelette series and some other science fiction and fantasy ideas I’m kicking around.

March Goals

  • Approve the proofs for publishing
  • Sasha Book 3: Finish Current Act Re-write
  • Sasha Book 3: Big End-Battle 2nd Wargame
  • Orcfyre: Act Re-distribution and outline
  • Other: Knock 10 things off my to-do lists.
  • Publish two blog posts.


  • The Other Queen (Fiction)
  • The Best School in the World: West Point 1833-1866 (Non-Fiction)
  • Angel Fire East (eBook; Fiction)
  • Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (Non-Fiction)

Image courtesy of Amazon

I actually managed to finish a pair of books this month, putting me only two books behind where I want to be right now. Not bad progress.

The first book was The Other Queen, the fifteen and last of Philippa Gregory’s historical fiction series. This one follows a period of time in Mary, Queen of Scott’s, life under incarceration, with her and her jailers as the characters. I’m working on the book report now, so I don’t want to say too much. Except that now with that done, I can do one of my other big reading projects.

I also finished The Best School in the World: West Point 1833-1866, a non-fiction book on West Point prior to and during the American Civil War. This one was research for several different projects of mine; I wanted to know what sort of curriculum West Point cadets went through, and how it differed from other contemporary European schools. I got a lot of good information from this book.

March Goals

  • Finish two fiction title
  • Finish one non-fiction title
  • Finish one research titles

Movies and Shows

Image courtesy of Wikipedia
  • Skeleton Crew
  • Oppenheimer
  • Shazam!

I made an effort to make time for movies and shows this month, and I knocked three titles off my list.

First, Oppenheimer, the biopic about the doctor who helped develop the a-bomb and then fell to post-war politics. I really likes this one, from the casting to the politics to the explanation of the physics. At no point did I feel like the movie was talking down to me, and that’s the least you can ask for when a movie is getting into atomic physics and red-scare politics.

Then there was Shazam, the superhero movie. I’ll be honest, the only reason I chose this one was because the sequel is on my fixit podcast and I want to see that before I listen to the podcast. But I actually really liked this one. It was funny, and exciting. Just adult enough to appreciate, without being too adult to not believe there are children involved. I’m glad I watched this one.

I also finished Star Wars: Skeleton Crew. I had a rough start to this one because I had to warm up to the children, but halfway through I came to appreciate them (and they had grown enough for me to like them). My final grade was going to depend on how the show wrapped up, and it ended really well. The kid’s space adventure gave them the skills and experience needed to win. Huzzah! Good show.

March Goals

  • Finish one started show
  • Start one new show
  • Watch one Best Picture Winner
  • Watch one other movie


  • Baldur’s Gate 3
  • Madden 2025

Nothing much to say on the gaming front. I’m enjoying Baldur’s Gate 3 when I have time to play it. Haven’t touched any of my other games in a long time. My RPG characters are all still alive. The game I run is still going strong.

March Goals

  • Advance to next chapter of Baldur’s Gate 3
  • Advance story of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
  • Advance story of Red Dead Redemption 2

What’s Next

I have two events on the books.

First is the Literary Libations event on Saturday, March 22nd, at noon. I’ll be there with a number of other local authors, selling my books and trying not to buy more. I’ll also be doing a reading of some sort. See details here.

Image from the event Facebook page.

I also have a table at Minicon 58, April 18 – 20, 2025, at the Doubletree Hilton in Bloomington. I’ll be there all three days with a table. I applied to be on some panels; we’ll see what I get assigned. Details here.

Image from the event website.

That’s it for now.

February 25 Update

Where did January go? I swear we just started the month a week ago, and we’re already done? Wow. At least I managed to get some things done this month.


I’ve got physical proofs of Champion Bold, and I’m reading through them to find last-draft corrections. Most of these are formatting errors: missing punctuation, or lengths of text that need to be italicized. Maybe one in five corrections is style, something that makes less sense to me now that I’ve had several weeks stepped back from the project. (For all you writers out there, this is why I recommend putting in several week breaks in the process: when you come back to the project, these things stand out all the more.)

Paperback and hardcover (author’s photo)

I’m almost done with the supplement books. I’ve got all the artwork assembled; some of it I need to finish processing to add to the book. There are a few articles I need to complete, and a few pages where I want to add additional images or world-expanding text boxes to fill blank spaces.

Recently, I pulled out Book 3 and I’ve been writing in that again. I processed some of the things that bugged me in my previous draft and I’m working those into this draft. My editor has a copy of what I’ve done so far, and I’m looking forward to her feedback.

I’ve picked at some other projects last month. I looked at my fantasy draft and worked out some fixes that I’m starting to incorporate. I’m doing world building for some other projects, lots of histories, organizational building, or crafting magic and philosophical systems. The type of things where you work on it for a bit, take a step back, then return and delete half your work and keep at it.

February Goals

  • Finish review of Champion Bold
  • Order Proofs of Supplement Books
  • Continue work on Book 3
  • Knock items off other project to-do list


Image from Amazon page
  • Angel Fire East (eBook; Fiction)
  • The Best School in the World: West Point 1833-1866 (Non-fiction)
  • The Other Queen (Fiction)
  • Sapiens: A brief History of Humankind (Non-fiction)
  • Hannibal (Audibook; Non-fiction)
  • A Burton House Christmas (Fiction)

January was a bit odd reading-wise, because I ended up starting a lot more books than I meant to. Mostly this was due to library returns forcing me to discontinue reading before I had finished some books and reminding me to start the other library books before they became due. So, I’m actively reading through four books simultaneously. Which feels like a bit much, now that I’m no longer reading on the bus every day.

I did finish A Burton House Christmas, a small side-book in the Burton House Saga. It was an interesting aside book from the main narrative: six of the characters each tell a Christmas story, either a real experience of theirs or a fictional tale they wrote themselves. Each story has a different flavor and feel, but each feels like a Christmas story. A nice experience I didn’t get to until after the holiday season.

February Goals

  • Finish two fiction titles
  • Finish one non-fiction title
  • Finish one research title

Movies / Shows

Image from Amazon
  • Skeleton Crew
  • Tenet
  • Star Wars Visions Season 1

I made an effort in January to watch more new things, even if it was just one episode when I got home from work before I got lost on the computer screens. It helped.

Star Wars Visions is a show where each episode is a different story, animated by a different studio, giving it a different style and flare. Some of the episodes I really liked, feeling like old Samurai movies or anime films. Others felt more like the sort of anime shows I never got into as a teenager: I’m glad I watched them, but I don’t feel the need to see them again.

I watched one movie last month: Tenet, the time-warping movie from Christopher Nolan. This movie was not as bad as I’d heard, but it wasn’t great. There were a lot of things I liked about it, but it seemed to get into it’s own science a lot without explaining it enough to the audience. There was enough that didn’t make sense to me to disrupt my enjoyment. I’m glad I watched it, and I’d probably watch it again, but it’s not amongst my favorite movies.

February Goals

  • Finish two season of TV
  • Finish two movies


Not much to add on this front. I’m playing through the same games I was last month. I just haven’t sat down and concentrated on any one game to knock it out. I’m sure I could if I wanted to, but that’s a lot of time, and I’ve got a lot of other projects I’d rather be working on. That being said, I’ll make an effort in February to make progress on my games. Maybe I’ll get in a streak and knock one out.

What’s Next

I have two events in the next few months.

March 22nd I’ll be at Lift Bridge Brewery in Stillwater. It’s a short, six hour event with several other authors. I’m hoping to have my book ready be then.

Then, Easter weekend, I have a table at Minicon, Friday through Sunday. I’m looking forward to that event as well.

And I should have a book launch party for Champion Bold. I’ll let you know when that is,

Until next time, keep on writing!



December 24 Updates

This update is very late in the month, due to moving, project work, vacations and then catch up. Suffice it to say, I’m feeling very tired. Accomplished, but tired.


I had two big projects this last month. One was to get Champion Bold to the proofing. I’m pretty much there. I’ve gone through each page looking for italicization errors, formatting issues, and trying to avoid large blank spaces. Now I’m waiting for the last backers to get back to me with their names (if they want to be included), then I will format as a PDF and start prepping for proof. This might take a few rounds to get done as the two programs involved have some different ways of interpreting the same data, but I’ll get it done.

The other was in regards to NANOWRIMO. I used the month as a chance to re-write Book 3 of the Renaissance Army series. This went well for about two weeks, when I had time to work on both projects. But when it came time to pick and choose, I had to pick Champion Bold. That being said, what I did re-write was a lot better. I’m looking forward to getting back into that soon.

December Goals

  • Get physical copy of Champion Bold
  • Finish supplement books
  • Knock 5 things of Project To Do List


Image courtesy of Wikipedia.org
  • Running with the Demon (eBook; finished)
  • A Knight of the Word (eBook; finished)
  • Fire and Blood (Physical; started)
  • Fool Moon (Audiobook; continued)

Since I had a week off from work, I missed out on a lot of my normal reading time. I finished Running with The Demon and then read through A Knight of the Word, the first two books in the longer Shanarra series by Terry Brooks. This was one of the first fantasy series I started reading as a child, so I’m interested to get through it as an adult and see how it reads.

Running with the Demon ended better than it started it; it took a long time to get into it. Introducing the characters and the rules took a while. Once it got going, it took off and ended pretty well. Though it reminded me more of a Stephen King novel than the fantasy stories I remember from my childhood.

The second book (A Knight of the Word) was mostly better story, largely because I knew the characters and the rules of the world from the first book. The series of twists at the end were a mix of what I expected (which I hoped he would have done differently) and what I didn’t expect (which I appreciate). Still, it was a good book.

Fire and Blood is a long narrative history of House Targaryen and its rule of Westeros. It’s not a story in the sense of the other books of the world, but it is a fascinating read. I’m enjoying it, especially because it has given me some ideas for non-traditional projects I could work on.

December Goals

  • Finish Audiobook
  • Finish One Non-Fiction Book
  • Start one Research Book

Movies and Shows

Image courtesy of Wikipedia.org
  • Deadpool and Wolverine
  • Agatha All Along
  • Star Trek Lower Decks Season 5 (Started)

Managed to find time this month to sit down with friends to watch a few things.

Deadpool and Wolverine was a great movie, filled with a lot of fun callbacks, fourth-wall jokes and action scenes. I found the initial premises a little hard to accept, but once I got past that (and it’s really easy to get past it) I loved the movie.

I wasn’t sure what to expect from Agatha All Along. What I got was a great show that managed to follow the established rules of the MCU, and still provide enough surprises to be enjoyable. I’m looking forward to re-watching it to see what I missed the first time.

Star Trek Lower Decks is on its Fifth and final season this year, with one episode left to go at the time of this posting. This show has been fantastic since episode one, telling its own stories while making references and call-backs to previous series. It’ll be a shame to see it go, but better it leave by its own accord than it die of misuse.

December Goals

  • Watch one Best Picture Winner (3 Remaining)
  • Watch one Fix-It Movie (11 Remaining)
  • Watch one Other Movie
  • Watch one TV Show
  • Watch one In Progress TV Show


Image courtesy of wikipedia.org
  • Baldur’s Gate 3
  • Madden 2025

As part of my moving process I invested in a PS5 and several games I had my eye on, including Baldur’s Gate 3 and Madden 2025.

Madden is a typical football game. My playing so far has either been with my roommate, or doing the skill tests to learn how to play the game. I haven’t done a season yet, so I can’t claim any great competency at it. But I am enjoying it.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a DnD 5th Edition game. I started the first Baldur’s Game way back when several times, but never got too far into it. This one I’ve heard good things about, and so far I’m having fun. I’m playing as a generic custom character, so I can make dumb mistakes and learn the game. I’ll replay later as the game characters, once I have an idea of how things work.

December Goals

  • Make progress in Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Make progress in Assassin’s Creed Odessey
  • Make progress in Warhammer 40K Armageddon
  • Make progress ins Baldur’s Gate 3

What’s Next

Working on the book. Planning events and projects for 2025. And surviving the holidays. That about it.

November Update

October was fun. Filled with a few good books and a few good shows, mostly it was filled with a lot of good project work, and a lot of fun writing.

Writing and Projects

I’ve got Champion Bold to Word, which means I’m prepping it to get a printed proof. This sounds easy, but this is where I’ve made some errors in the past, so I’m being careful and thorough. Progress is progress, but progress also involves a lot of tempermental programs. So, slow and steady, and checking my work.

The supplement books are coming along nicely. They’re not quite at the printed proof stage, but they should be soon. I just need to finish some articles and assemble some artwork.

I’ve been working on other projects, planning and preparing. Particularly, I’ve been revising my plan for Sasha 3, hoping to get that to proofing during 2025.

November Goals

  • Use NANOWRIMO to re-write Book 3
  • Get Champion Bold to proofing stage
  • Finish Supplement Books
  • Knock 10 things off Writing Project to-do list


Image from Goodreads.com
  • Under One Roof (Burton House Saga Book Six; Fiction; Finished)
  • Fool Moon (Dresden Files, Book 2, Audiobook, Fiction, Started)
  • Running with the Demon (eBook; Fiction; Started)

I read through Under One Roof, Book 6 of the Burton House Saga. This books takes the reader to colonial Australia, which involves reading through how the penal colony works for both men and women, and how the colonists interacted with the aboriginal inhabitants. As for the characters the story followers, their stories involve a lot of overcoming personal adversity, and trying to be the best leaders they can be for those who are dependant upon them.

I’m almost done with Running with the Demon. This book I came to by accident. I’ve been wanting to re-read the Shannara series, some of which I read back in middle school. I picked up a humble bundle, and this was the first book. It’s not bad, but it took a long time to pick up. If I stick with the chronology, I have six more books to get through before I get to a book I’ve already red. I may skip ahead. I haven’t decided yet.

November Goals

  • Finish two fiction books
  • Finish one non-fiction book
  • Finish on research book

TV Shows and Movies

(image off of Wikipedia)
  • The Acolyte
  • Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5

Did not watch a lot of new things this month. I did watch through The Acolyte, the Star Wars show. I really liked this show. For half of it, I was thinking it was going to do A and B, and then it went wonky and gave me Q and T. And I liked it! But it’s been cancelled, so no more of that for me. I’m kind of miffed about it, but I can’t get into reasons because of spoilers.

Started Lower Decks season 5. The last season, by all accounts. It’s been a fun show, and I’m excited to see how it ends.

November Goals

  • Start one new TV show
  • Finish one in-progress TV show
  • Watch one Best Picture Winner (3 remaining)
  • Watch one Fix-it Movie or Show (10 remaining)
  • Watch one other movie


  • Deathmatch Island one Shot
  • Assassins Creed Odessey

I got to participate in a short campaign of Deatmatch Island, an RPG that harkens back to Hunger Games and other similar deadly competition games. Your character is completely randomized, and the encounters are difficult but not game-ending if you get them wrong. It was fun, though it’s not a long-term game.

November Goals

  • Advance Assassins Creed Odessey
  • Advance Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Advance 40K Armageddon
  • Work out test game RPG one-shot ideas

What’s Next

August 2024 Update

Hello. July was a good month. I knocked a lot of things off my list, got my book to 80% edited, and made progress on the shows and games I hadn’t gotten to in a while. That’s a good month.


My focus was on Champion Bold and the supplemental books. Writing, drawing, hiring artists. It’s a large beast I bit into, but it’s progressing nicely. The Book is 80% edited, and the supplemental books are in the 40’s.

Not much advancement on other projects, but that’s okay. I want to get my primary project done and published, and that has to be my primary goal right now.

August Goals

  • Finish editing Champion Bold, get published proof prepped
  • Get Supplement books to 75% complete.
  • Process feedback on The Colonel Lieutenant
  • Knock 10 items of Minor To-Do List


  • Last of the Mohican Graphic Novel, Marvel Illustrated (Fiction; Finished)
  • Gettysburg by MacKinley Kantor (Non-Fiction; Finished)
  • The Virgin’s Lover by Philippa Gregory (Fiction; Finished)
  • Storm Front by Jim Butcher (Fiction; Audiobook; Started)
  • Wisconsin Vamp by Scott Burtness (Fiction; Started)
  • Complete Idiot’s Guide to Game Theory (Research; Started)

I read a lot over the course of the month. Reading a graphic novel of Last of the Mohicans actually made me understand the story a little better, though it’s still not great. Also finished the next Philippa Gregory novel The Virgin’s Lover, which I will have a blog post for up soon.

The fun one was a book my dad read when he was young on the Battle of Gettysburg. Oddly enough, it was titled Gettysburg. It was fascinating to see how books of that time (1952) portrayed the battle; what they emphasized and what they ignored. As a bonus, it did four pages on the 1st Minnesota and what it did there.

August Goals

  • Finish one fiction book
  • Finish one non-fiction book
  • Finish one research book

Movies and Shows

  • Witcher – Season 3 (Finished)
  • The Expanse (Continued)
  • House of the Dragon – Season 2 (Started)

As I said in the intro, I actually sat down to watch new things this month. I got halfway through Season 2 of House of the Dragon with my sister. So far, so good. And I knocked another episode off of the Expanse. I really wish I could get into that show as much as other people. It’s good, but it usually isn’t grabbing my attention.

Finished the current season of The Witcher, and while I enjoy the show — especially the over-the-top fight sequences — I feel it doesn’t do a great job of explaining the world. I have so many question that just don’t get answered. Maybe if I read the books or play the games, I’ll find out more.

August goals

  • Finish current season of the Expanse.
  • Watch two movies.
  • Knock Tv show off my ‘started and not finished’ list
  • Start new TV show


  • Warhammer 40K: Armageddon (Started)
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 (Continued)

I advanced a little bit in RDR2. Played through a story mission that actually left me really angry. I had to free a member of our criminal party who had been captured, and there was no way to do it without killing a lot of people, including at least one innocent woman. I texted my sister (who loves this game) and asked her if I am able to kill the guy I rescued later on in the game. Apparently, it depends on my choices. Which is cool from a game design perspective, but I need to avoid looking up how to do it, lest I get spoilers.

Started a new computer game, Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon. It’s a hex-based wargame that uses the Panzer General engine to play as an Imperial Guard commander during the Second War of Armageddon. I like this game so far for two reasons. First, it is a simple and fun game with short missions. And two, the Second War of Armageddon was largely my first introduction to the 40K universe. So, it’s a bit of nostalgia in it for me.

The RPG games go well. My characters are still alive, which is good. The game I’m running only had one session this month, but it set up a nice battle for next session. Knights, evil wizards, and lots of goblin friends…and perhaps foes.

August Goals

  • Advance RDR2 into next chapter
  • Start Assassin’s Ceed Odessey
  • Finish Armageddon

What’s Next

I have on public appearances planned right now. But I want to change that this month. I hope to find some conventions and events I can sign up for, before I hear about them too late.

Until next time, keep on writing.



Horus Heresy Series – Intro

“I was there,” he would say afterwards, until afterwards became a time quite devoid of laughter. “I was there, the day Horus slew the Emperor.” It was a delicious conceit, and his comrades would chuckle at the sheer treason of it.

-Opening line of “Horus Rising”, Book 1 of 54.

In spring of 2017, I found a Humble Bundle with eBooks of the first fifteen titles of the Horus Heresy series. I was intrigued; I knew the series was being written, but I hadn’t thought to read it. I’d read one book in the 40K setting, and I’d enjoyed it, but I thought that would be it. So, when this came up, I decided to grab it. I mean, it was a dollar an eBook. That’s a great deal.

The Horus Heresy Series Logo, courtesy of lexicanum.com

I didn’t realize I would be starting a journey that would take seven years and 54 books to finish. But in spring of 2024 I did so. And I want to share some thoughts.

This will be the first of several blog posts.

I’ve got a lot of thoughts.

What is the Horus Heresy Series?

The answer could be a whole blog post by itself, so I’ll try to be succinct.

There exists a tabletop wargame called Warhammer 40,000. This science fiction universe takes place in tens of thousands of years in the future. Humanity fights against wonderous aliens, monstrous gods, and their own fractious nature.

It is not a happy universe, but it’s based off a wargame, so what can you expect?

The Horus Hersey is an even that occurs around the year 30,000, (10,000 years before the wargame) when the resurgent Imperium of Mankind suffered a schism. Some followed the God-Emperor, while others followed his favorite son, Horus Lupercal. The war broke the golden age of humanity that could have been, and plunged mankind into millennia of darkness.

Though long referenced in 40K literature, it happened so far in the past that it was considered mythology. But in 2006, Games Workshop (the company that runs 40K) started the book series. It ended in 2019 with book 54. After that, the narrative shifts from the greater heresy to the massive fight in the Sol system.

But I haven’t started that series.


What did I think about the series?

I’ve spent several passes at this blog post trying to figure out how to answer this question. I like most of it, I hated some of it. I liked some characters, hated others. Some events I was looking forward to reading about were worth it, others were disappointing.

It was worth reading. Some of the books I would read again. Some of them I wouldn’t.

In some cases, there were books that were mediocre in their story, but I hold in high regard because they involved POV’s from sub-sets of humans, and the author put in the effort to make those POV’s feel unique.

So…why do this blog post? Or a series?

This is an introduction blog post. I have a lot of miscellaneous thoughts I want to write up, but if I did them in one post, they’d either be over too quickly, or it’d be so long I should have it published.

I’ll be doing more blog posts on this series over the next few months. I’m planning a list of books I’d love to read again, some I didn’t enjoy, and some books it was fun to read for the POV reason stated above.

How many blog posts? I don’t know. I’ll write what I want to say, and that’ll be it.

One Scene to Remember

I didn’t want this post to just be ‘hey, I read some books, expect a flood of posts afterwards’, so here’s a scene from one of the books that I think about a lot. It’s a scene where, in the midst of giant war machines and great strategies, we see humanity.

Cover Art for ‘The Master of Mankind’, courtesy of lexicanum.com

The book is The Master of Mankind, book 41 in the series. It is set on Earth, and in the webway, a extra-dimensional network of transit hubs that allows people to move from one planet to another without going into space. The enemy is approaching through the webway, and there is a battle coming.

Two characters are walking through a crowd of refugees. One is a space marine, Zephon of Baal, a genetically modified human build for war, and the other is a custodes, Diocletian Coros, an even bigger and better genetically modified human build to protect the Emperor.

A young child approaches, a refugee from a world already burned. He looks up at the two enormous warriors, asking for his parents and seeking comfort. Zephon provides some comfort to the child, while Diocletian is dismissive. Leaving the refugees, Diocletian chides Zephon.

‘You are a creature of pointless sentiment,’ Diocletian voxed to his new companion.

He heard Zephon’s sigh as they walked onwards. ‘You said I disappointed you, Custodian. I assure you that the feeling is mutual. I had not imagined conversing with one of the Ten Thousand to be such an exercise in soulless discourse.’

Diocletian didn’t believe that deserved a reply.

I’ve thought a lot about why I like this exchange, and it is due to the humanity of Zephon. So many space marines we meet are focused only on the war, or on the rituals of their legion. So much of the game and its books are de-humanizing, and here’s a great warrior taking a moment to comfort a child. While everyone else is looking up the hierarchy, he’s taking a moment to look down.

This is not the only example of humanity in the series, but it is my favorite.

Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you for the next post in this series, where I will discuss my favorite books from the Horus Heresy.

Keep on writing!


July Update

June was filled with book work. Got a lot, and I mean a lot done. And there’s still more to do.

Writing Projects

I’m advancing Champion Bold and its companion books on towards completion. More than half the book has been edited. I’ve started work on most of the articles, and have commissioned much of the artwork. There’s still a good amount of work to do, but every day I move the spreadsheet closer to being completed.

I haven’t done much work on my other projects. I’m getting some feedback on Book 3 of my main series back. And I’ve picked at a few things here or there. But for the most part, it’s book work.

July Goals

  • Get total Champion Project to over 50% Completed (Currently 25%)
  • Two non-update blog posts
  • 10 Things off the Minor List


Version 1.0.0
  • Shogun Vol 2 (Re-Read; Finished)
  • Story of a Regiment (Research; Finished)
  • Robert E Lee and Me (Non-Fiction; Finished)
  • Don Quixote (Fiction; Audio-book; Finished)

Finally finished the audio-book of Don Quixote. Now, don’t get me wrong, there were several great stories about Don Quixote’s adventures in this book. But there were also long segments where he wasn’t even in the story, but characters were talking about him, or about the genre of knight errant stories. It made it for a long and rough read to get through. I know that this is how stories were back then, but still. I think I’ll chose a more modern story for my next audio-book.

Also got through Robert E Lee and Me. This book is written by a retired US Army officer and former professor of military history at West Point. It’s about his journey as a raised southerner to identify and combat the Lost Cause narrative in his own life. It is a good, read, but it gets intense. He goes in depth into the slave trade and the history of lynchings. He even talks about how the statues and roads and base names were all in response to the growth of the civil rights movements. A good book to read, but it goes to dark places.

July Goals

  • Finish one Fiction title
  • Finish one Non-Fiction title
  • Finish one Research title

Movies and Shows

  • Godzilla Minus One

I can’t believe I only watched one new thing last month, but I guess that’s how it goes.

Godzilla Minus One is a good movie, surprisingly well done for it’s budget. I liked the characters, and the ending had just enough leeway for a sequel. And as a Japanese production, it wasn’t as ‘action packed’ as a Hollywood kaiju film would be. I’m glad I got a chance to see this movie.

July Goals

  • Finish one TV show I’m watching (Witcher or Expanse)
  • Start one new TV show
  • Finish one TV show on hiatus
  • Watch two movies


  • Frost Punk (Main Campaign Finished)
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 (In Progress)

Continuing my trend of not playing many video games, I only sat down twice to pick at Frost Punk. To my surprise, I beat the main campaign. Considering the game afterwards, I realized my big flaw was that I wasn’t passing enough laws. Basically, it’s a mechanic in the game that lets you shape the society: do you put children to work or not? Do you enforce order through authoritarianism or through a church? I was only passing laws when I had to, and so did not have a flexible society I needed to beat the game. It was only because I changed tactics halfway through the last play through I beat it.

My RPG games are all going well. They’re fun to play, and the stories are intriguing. My Atonement game is into the next chapter, which is an investigation-heavy chapter in a massive city based somewhat on ancient Rome and Constantinople. I’ll need to be careful; between the party splitting up, and the research-heavy sections, the game could slow down too much. I’ll have to trust my players to let me know if that happens.

July Goals

  • Red Dead Redemption 2 to next chapter
  • New Computer Story Game
  • Finish Game in Hiatus

What’s next

Nothing exciting. Focused on book work. And readying myself to apply for conventions for next year.

Until next blog post, keep on writing.



May and April Update

I was so wrapped up in prepping my Kickstarter campaign I missed posting my April update. And with the campaign successfully wrapped up, I can get back to my normally scheduled posts.


The big project for the foreseeable future is Champion Bold. My editor is already working at the manuscript. I’m working on the supplemental books I offered as a reward, which is a lot of little articles and technical entries. It’ll be a lot of work.

Closing in on a good draft of The Colonel Lieutenant. While I’m glad to be moving on with this, I think I need some feedback before I can work out how to proceed.

I’ve done some minor work on other projects, but I’m trying to focus on Champion Bold until I get that done.

May Goals

  • Get Champion Bold halfway edited.
  • Get first draft of the supplement books done.
  • Get Feedback on The Colonel Lieutenant
  • Knock 10 things of Minor Project List
  • Add 5K words to Fantasy Project


  • The Last Tudor by Philippa Gregory
  • The Olympian Affair by Jim Butcher
  • Cordelia of the Island by Ashley Katharine Houghton
  • The Buried Dagger by James Swallow (Started)
  • The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (Audiobook)
  • Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (Audiobook)

I’m well behind my goal of 36 books by the end of the year, but the ones I’m reading through are very good.

The Olympian Affair took a good while to get going, but the last half of the book really took off. Cordelia of the Island was written to an older style of storytelling, where the main story is interrupted by a collection of short stories that supplement the main line without being necessary for its conclusion.

I finished The Count of Monte Cristo, and I see why so many of my friends recommended it. The count’s story of revenge came to a satisfying conclusion, one that wasn’t what I — or the count — expected. When I wrapped that up I switched over to Don Quixote. I’ll be honest, while the story is interesting, the character is a jackass. I know it’s a satire work, but he annoys the ever-loving hell out of me.

May Goals

  • Finish two fiction books
  • Finish one non-fiction book

Movies and Shows

  • Halo Season 2
  • Witcher Season 3 (in progress)
  • Shogun (in progress)
  • Black Adam
  • Birds of Prey
  • The Expanse (in progress)

I sat down one night to have a double-header movie night. Black Adam was fun; though i don’t know anything about the character, I didn’t really care that the movie was long. I got into it. Birds of Prey was….bad. Which sucked, because I liked Harley Quinn as a character. But the movie had too many characters, the story was sloppy, and I just couldn’t care.

I started a few shows the last two months. I finally got into Witcher Season 3, which I’ve been wanted to get into for a while. I’m excited to finish it. But the big show I started was Shogun. Now, I read the books back in high school, so I only remember a few scenes here and there. But what I’ve seen so far has been fantastic. I’m hoping it holds up.

May Goals

  • Finish this season of Expanse.
  • Finish the Witcher Season 3
  • Watch 1 Best Picture Winner
  • Watch 1 Other Movie


  • Red Dead Redemption 2 (In Progress)
  • Frost Punk (Played Around)
  • Rebel Galaxy (Played Around)
  • Gears of War Tactics (In Progress)

I continue to go through a period of little to no video games. It’s not that I don’t have interest, but I spend most of my free time working on projects. I just don’t have time to sit down and play for long periods.

The RPG’s I’m apart of are moving along at a good clip. I’m having fun running Atonement, and my characters are still alive in the other games.

About the only big update in games is that I started a legacy board game — Trench Club Legacy — with some friends. If you don’t know what a legacy board game is, it’s a game where the players get to influence the rules and setting as they play. In this case, an alternate World War 1. We’ve got one out of up to ten games down. France started the first battle of the war, and Austria won it. We’ll see how it goes.

May Goals

  • Finish Gears of War Tactics
  • Get to next chapter of Red Dead Redemption 2

Coming Up

I don’t have any appearances scheduled anytime soon. My focus will be on getting Champion Bold and The Colonel Lieutenant up to speed.

2023 in Review

I started 2023 with a number of goals in mind. I wanted to publish a book, and revise my writing process to be more efficient. Then, I wanted to do more events. And I wanted to cross some media off my various lists.

Writing and Publishing

I accomplished a lot of writing goals this year. First, I got one draft out to Beta Readers, with a second close behind. Then, I wrote scenes for various projects, and did research and world building for others.

And while I was doing all this, I was revising my writing process. I need to write more efficiently, and by the end of the year I was. I’m planning some blog posts on the topic, but essentially I paid attention to everything that slowed me down when writing, and worked out a process to counter it before it becomes a problem.


I only got two events in this year, but they were good events. One convention where I sold books, made contacts, and partook in a panel. And one pop-up bookstore.

I’ve already signed up for another convention next year, and I want to do more. I know pricing is an issue, but I’m going to have to figure something out. It’s too important to not pursue.


One trade off of writing more is experiencing less. I watched fewer movies and TV shows, and played threw fewer games, than I expected to. I still read a decent amount. And now that I’m listening to podcasts, I can get some research and entertainment done while I’m working. So, while the quantity may be down, I don’t regret it.


My goals for 2024 are similar to this year. Publish and get my writing out there. Do more events. And continue to enjoy the stories that are out there to experience.

So, thank you to everyone who reads this blog and supports me. It was a good year, and I look forward to next year being even better.



December Update

November was dominated by NaNoWriMo, finishing the Beta Draft of my SciFi novel, and prepping for the December 9th Pop-Up Bookstore.


The big news is I finished the Beta draft of my SciFi novel, now titled Champion Bold. It’s currently coming in at about 110K, so I have room to grow if the Beta readers give me some feedback. Right now I’m working on proofreading, preparing the Kickstarter campaign, and developing the cover art. I have a good idea of what I want it to look like, so I’m building it up before I send it to someone for polishing.

Continuing to wright the Beta Draft of The Colonel Lieutenant. I’ve been working through the issues and problems of consolidating the story. I’m so close to finishing it, and now that I’ve got Champion Bold off to Beta Readers I can spend more time on this one.

Other than my main projects, I continued to work on some secondary and tertiary projects. I added a scene to Orcfyre. I did a lot of world building and prep work for another SciFi project called Contrition, then wrote about 8K words in four sessions. And I did some research for two historical fiction projects.

And yes, I did get my 50K words (or equivalent) NANOWRIMO done. But, someone (yes, it was me) forgot to log the last day’s words that would have topped me over the 50K. So I didn’t get the official badges for 50K or every day logging in. It was a stupid error, but I’m moving on with my life. I’ve got a book to publish.

December Goals

  • Finish proofing Champion Bold Beta Draft
  • Finish Colonel Lieutenant Beta Draft
  • Keep working at other writing projects
  • Do one non-book review blog post

Movies and Shows

I started Loki Season 2. Now I was worried about this one because I didn’t quite understand the first season when it came out. I’ve come to understand it a bit more after a few more stories from the MCU, and Season 2 is a lot easier for me to understand. The episodes I’ve watched (the first thee or four) I’ve enjoyed.

Watched Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, the second animated Miles Morales Spider-Man movie. I really liked this one. I don’t know that I would say it was better than the first one, but it was really good. I’m excited for the third one.

And just before the end of the month I knocked out The Suicide Squad, the success to Suicide Squad. I had some worries about this movie, mostly having to due with the character of Amanda Waller. But I think, overall, this was a better movie than the first one. It was more coherent and had a stronger cast, and while the Waller character was just as evil as the first one, she wasn’t overpowering.

December Goals

  • Finish one TV Show off my to-watch list
  • Finish one TV Show I’ve previously started
  • Watch one movie
  • Watch one Best Picture Winner (Nomadland or Coda)


Not very long books, but I read through The Way it Went Down Vol 1 and 2, two collections of very short stories inspired by the Delta Green games. I read these to look for inspiration for a Delta Green/Cthulhu Mythos story idea I wanted to flesh out. They gave me a lot of ideas, not only for that but for some other creative projects.

Next came Mr Burton’s Trunk, Book 4 in the Burton House Sage. This one is a departure from the first three in several ways: it follows a male character, takes place mostly outside of England, and the romance of the book is more varied and twisted. But following the main character up the eastern seaboard, visiting former presidents and cities of the growing US, was a fun read.

The audio book I’m currently working through is the Count of Monte Cristo, which I chose after recommendations from several friends. I’m about a fifth of the way through it, and I think this book is great. I really understand why it’s stood the test of time. While some elements of it stretch imagination, it’s not as far out there as Last of the Mohicans was.

Another book I started was the SciFi novel A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge. This is a SciFi story that emphasizes the Fiction part of Science Fiction. The galaxy has rules and aliens and expectations that are fascinating, but without much exposition I don’t know how to interpret many elements of the story. I feel this is going to be one of those things I’ll have to turn around and re-read once I understand the universe, so I can see everything I missed the first time.

And, just to throw it out there, I did read through one research book. The Rhetorical Art of Public Speaking. I chose this one because several writing projects I had were going to involve some form of public speaking, and I wanted to have a better idea of how the characters would go approach their speeches. It has already helped.

December Goals

  • Finish two fictional books
  • Finish one research book


Other than working through the games I’m still working through, I did start a new game in November that was free to play one weekend and just grabbed my attention. That game is Anno 1880, a real-time city-building game that I’ve had my eye on for a while. The story is fun, and challenges you to learn the game without beating you up over it. We’ll see how the sand-box goes when I get around to playing it.

One of my gaming groups started a Cypher-system game set in the Peninsula-campaign of the Napoleonic era, in 1809. Coming up with a character for that game was fun, especially since one of my podcasts is about Napoleon. I built a character who really fit the times. It should be fun, and the Cypher-system is dedicated to telling stories.

The other RPG’s are still trucking along. There’s been a lot of disruption with the holidays, but that’s to be expected. We’ll see how they roll into 2024, and what games the new year will bring.

December Goals

  • Finish one story game.

What’s Next

On December 9th I’ve got the Pop-Up Bookstore at AZ Gallery. That’s the last event for the year. The next scheduled event is Easter weekend of next year.

I’m also prepping the Kickstarter campaign for Champion Bold. I don’t know when it’ll be up and running (most likely January of February), but it’s coming.